Life habits and food consumption after a COVID-19 pandemic in São Luí­s, Maranhão, Brazil


  • Eliakim do Nascimento Mendes
  • Joseane Costa Fiquene
  • Lorena Bessani
  • Fernanda Conceição Mota dos Santos Silva
  • Nathália Fernandes Máximo
  • Luciana Silva Alvarez



SARS-CoV-2, Pandemic, Quality of life


Objective: To describe life habits and food consumption during the COVID-19 pandemic in São Luí­s, Maranhão, Brazil. Method: Cross-sectional, descriptive study and quantitative approach. It was carried out with residents of the metropolitan region of São Luí­s. Data collection started after the participant's consent and online signature of the Free and Informed Consent Form. Results: 349 people participated, female (71,35%), mean age 29 + 10,8 years. As for life habits, there ports were: alcoholism (54,44%), smoking (4,01%) and physical activity (71,92%). The presence of COVID-19 was reported in 7,74% of the participants, while 27,51% reported suspicion. The consumption of nutrients for immunity before the pandemic was 56,16%, with the beginning of the pandemic it increased to 71,63%. The most consumed were vitamins C and D, lemon and its derivatives. Conclusion: It is concluded that the emergence of the pandemic increased the demand for nutrients and foods that can act on the immune system.

Author Biographies

Eliakim do Nascimento Mendes

Coordinator of the Nutrition Course at Centro Universitario UNDB, Master in Health Sciences, Nutritionist.

Joseane Costa Fiquene

Student of the Nutrition Course at Centro Universitario UNDB.

Lorena Bessani

Student of the Nutrition Course at Centro Universitario UNDB.

Fernanda Conceição Mota dos Santos Silva

Student of the Nutrition Course at Centro Universitario UNDB.

Nathália Fernandes Máximo

Student of the Nutrition Course at Centro Universitario UNDB.

Luciana Silva Alvarez

Student of the Nutrition Course at Centro Universitario UNDB.



How to Cite

do Nascimento Mendes, E. ., Costa Fiquene, J. ., Bessani, L. ., Conceição Mota dos Santos Silva, F. ., Fernandes Máximo, N. ., & Silva Alvarez, L. . (2020). Life habits and food consumption after a COVID-19 pandemic in São Luí­s, Maranhão, Brazil. Saúde Coletiva (Barueri), 10(58), 3849–3862.



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